Hannes Michaneck

Hannes Michaneck

Hannes Michaneck, born June 13th in 1979 would find an early connection with martial arts as he kicked off his career aged eight and in a Judo kimono. He would continue his journey at 13 after a short break, before switching to Kung Fu after for two years. Hannes would soon realize that training as much as sparring in Kung Fu wasn´t what he was looking for, so his search continued as he started training Taekwondo and would develop one of his best techniques up to date: his spinning back kick (2 of his 3 knockout wins were achieved via spinning back kick to his opponent´s liver), which would never leave his arsenal, even after finding his true martial arts love in the shape of Thaiboxing aged 23. He would start his training in Sweden under the guidance of Anders Mikkelsen and later at the Superpro Gym (Elias Daniel & Driton Rama), but it quickly became clear, that he badly wanted to travel to and train at the origin of Muay Thai, namely Thailand. A deep connection between Hannes and the land of smiles would arise as he still travels there at least once a year to solely focus on training and arts, which is his other big love next to martial arts.

Hannes has moved to Germany back in 2007 in order to get his studies going at the ”Hochschule für Bildende Künste” in Frankfurt, where he´d finish university in 2012 gaining the ”Master of Arts” degree. He now works as a professional artist (painter) next to training Thaiboxing. Hannes´s most famous destinations in Thailand have been Chinnarach, 13 Coins Gym and he will visit Namsaknoi this year for the first time. We are looking forward to intense training sessions with Hannes Michaneck at the home of champions!



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