Samir underway to Russia!

Samir underway to Russia!

Samir will face his next opponent in Kazan, where he competes in a 32-men-tournament!!

Samir Al Mansouri´s next fight is set for Thursday at the “Tatnaft Cup”!

As one of 32(!) competitors in the tournament, Samir will have to win five fights, to finally be crowned the new “Tatnaft-Cup-Champion”.

In his first fight he will meet the well experienced Khon Kaen from Thailand, who has 135 wins in 193 fights in his record!

At the moment Samir prepares himself here in Frankfurt and he will travel to Russia together with Faldir Chahbari, on Tuesday, to show the world what he is all about! Team Beast of the East and the MMA Spirit will support him as usual, and we are sure that he will make his way through the competition. WAR Samir !

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