New gym tour online!

Die vielen Veränderungen im MMA Spirit mussten natürlich auch als Video festgehalten werden und somit präsentieren wir Euch heute den neuen virtuellen Rundgang durch das Gym. Das bedeutet allerdings nicht, dass wir an dieser Stelle aufhören werden, dass MMA Spirit weiter zu pimpen 😊

The many changes at MMA Spirit needed to be recorded and we would therefore proudly present our new gym tour 2021, which guides you through almost every corner of the gym. That won´t keep us from improving though as we have already planned more changes in the near future. Enjoy your ride through MMA Spirit: MMA Spirit gym tour march 2021 – big shoutout to Philip and Erhan Dogan.

Make sure to stay tuned, too as we will soon release our new blog series “MMA Spirit designs”, which will give you an insight on all changes of the past three years at MMA Spirit.

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