Boxing and Thaiboxing classes to start on Monday!

MMA Spirit without its martial arts classes is a bit like summer without sunshine. That´s why we´ve put together a hygienic plan, which will enable us to at least kick off with no contact boxing and thaiboxing classes in an alternative schedule starting on Monday, May 25th

Each class will last 60 minutes and the instructors will focus on technical aspects of each sport, a lot of strength/conditioning and stretching.

Please read the following mandatory hygienic measurements- following all instructions will be essential if we are to keep up with classes:

  • Entering MMA Spirit with any sort of contagious symptoms is strictly and at all times prohibited
  • Enter MMA Spirit in full training gear as the locker rooms and showers are unavailable for use
  • Always keep a minimum distance of 150cm noting the lines on the floor
  • Disinfect your hands at the counter before checking in with your membership card
  • Please don´t bring bags- you can either carry your gloves and towel in your hands or in a plastic bag | shinguards won´t be needed due to lack of contact in training
  • Walk right into room number 1 after having checked in, take off your shoes, put them in to the shoe rack and walk straight into the rooms deepest lying field until the class begins
  • Follow the coaches instructions at all times- especially when it comes to changing training fields as the distance has to be kept
  • The participant closest to the door will be the first to be asked by the instructor to pick up their shoes, put them on and then leave towards the counter before checking out at the counter and leave afterwards
  • There will be a 30 minutes break between every class, which will be used to disinfect the mats
  • Please arrive 10 minutes (no earlier) prior to any class (especially if there is a class prior to yours) so the other students have enough time to leave the gym- as cues are not allowed
  • The maximum number of participants stands at 20- you will not be asked to sign up for classes at this moment in time, but there might be changes after having checked the procedure next week
  • We highly recommend you to download the free app “no excuse” which enables you to see how busy MMA Spirit is at any given moment- all info on that can be found here: Download free NoExcuse app

Thank you so much for your understanding and we are looking forward to welcoming you at MMA Spirit!

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